Chase Macaroni and Cheese!

So, there’s this thing called ‘Microsoft Arcade’, and it’s something where you can make games through it!

So, what I did is started off with the tutorial for the ‘Chase the Pizza!’ game.

The first thing I changed was instead of Pizza, it’s Mac and Cheese instead of Pizza. The next thing is I decided: even with a countdown timer, it’s too easy! My first idea was to make the timer become less and less the more points you get! But still, the game was too easy; so I took the natural course of action and added a spike. But still, I wanted more.

So, I did this: once you get enough points, the spike will chase you. Once you get more, it will go faster. Now, you may realize that there’s a bit of a problem here: when you get a point, the spike and bowl are scattered around randomly. What if the spike spawns on you? What happens when you get enough points the timer will start at zero?

While making the game, I considered both of the possible outcomes, so here’s what I did: The player is refreshed to the top left, and the spike cannot spawn there, thus you will never get an instant game over. Now for the timer: it starts a bit above 60 seconds, and then it will go down. However, when you get to 50 points, the timer goes to 3 seconds and stays at 3 seconds. Since the game becomes insanely stressful at this point, once you reach 65 points, YOU WIN!

Another thing: I added sounds to play when you get the mac and cheese, which I realized the code stops for the sound. So, I had to move it to the end of the chain or else the mac and cheese will be delayed in it’s new position.

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One thought on “Chase Macaroni and Cheese!

  1. Great job on the game and great job on the post!! The little flourishes you added to the game really make a huge difference. Truly unique. And the game works well! It was a little confusing seeing the character always appear in the upper left at first, but I got the hang of it.

    Only questions for you is, why not actually hyperlink the URL, instead of making us copy and paste it? Also, when you view the post on the blog…. can you read the code? Because I can’t. If it’s so small that it can’t be read, and you can’t click on it to make it larger, then what’s the point of including it?

    If you want tips on how to do any of those, let me know!

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